Jun 15, 2011
Today, we talk to Lauren Frances, an internationally acclaimed love and relationships expert, author and seminar leader. Lauren is also the discreet “go-to” love expert for Hollywood’s A-list celebrities, and her love coaching practice spans the globe. Lauren is author of Dating, Mating, and Manhandling: The Ornithological Guide to Men, a progressive guide to dating and romance that delivers with with highly effective 'manhandling secrets' that every woman needs under her gaiter belt. People have called her live 'Romantic Reboot' tele-classes and podcast "pure gold," and they've helped thousands of women create romantic fulfillment. In this show, you'll learn how to "Unhex Your Heart;" how to "ghost bust" your heart. How to complete relationships with people who aren't 'in the room' so you can get "romantic resolution."What one thing keeps you finding the love you want. How to get the 'gift' of a painful past, and how it holds the key creating an amazing love relationship. The real internal blocks that are preventing you from feeling worthy of love, and creating it RIGHT NOW. And more...