Apr 21, 2010
Do you hate dieting? Wait a minute! That's not the best approach to take! Instead, try the "Love Powered Diet," as recommended by my guest Victoria Moran, author of a book of the same name. You'll get all kinds of juicy, inspirational tidbits on this show. See Victoria's "Oprah" show appearance...
Apr 15, 2010
Are you a sugar addict and wondering why or how you should kick your habit for good? Today, you'll hear from top hypoglycemia expert Roberta Ruggiero, founder of the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation, who let me cry on her shoulder while I was quitting sugar years ago. You'll also hear from former sugar addicts Dawn,...
Apr 14, 2010
Nancy Appleton, author of the new book, "Suicide by Sugar," is one of the foremost authorities on sugar addiction. Nancy, who is author of the landmark book, "Lick the Sugar Habit" -- one of several life-changing books that helped me back in 1998 -- will share how America's # 1 national addiction is sending people...
Apr 7, 2010
Today, my guest is the witty, insightful A.J. Jacobs, author of the book, The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible. AJ humorously describes himself as Jewish "in the same way the Olive Garden is an Italian restaurant." Just read this enticing review of his...